Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chapter Eight: The Secret to the World, page 141

We do need to fight evil, but the best way to do that is by being good people.
When it comes to fighting evil, we shouldn’t fight fire with fire.

page 142

Think about how much negativity surrounds politics.
The best way to resist evil, is to do good. Fill the void.

page 143

Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God: goodness, love, peace, etc.
Don’t spend your time booing the team you don’t like,
spend your time routing for the team you do like.

Often times the very things we hate about others, is something that exists within us, and we spend too much time trying desparately to not be like our parents, or whatever, and so we become our parents.
How much time and energy do we spend having internal arguments with people we disagree with?
Rise Above It!

page 144

The best way to fight evil in the world is to be one more person who thinks, speaks, and acts in a loving way rather than a hating way.
The power of prayer. “Pray for those who spitefully use you... “Love your enemies!” (Matt 5:43-48, and Luke 6:27-36)
Pray for terrorists. Pray for evil people. Pray that the Lord will touch their hearts with love, and protect their victims.

page 145

“The News” is mostly bad news. Newspapers and TV often like to focus on the scandals and murders and explosions. This fills our heads with negative thoughts.

page 146

It’s not our job to change the people around us. It’s our job to change ourselves into good people, and only by example and love to have positive effects on the people around us.

“The life that leads to heaven is not a life withdrawn from the world, but a life in the world. A life of piety separated from a life of love, which is possible only in the world, does not lead to heaven, but a life of love does.”
Heaven and Hell 535 Emanuel Swedenborg

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